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View from hotel roof, Leh, Ladakh Thomas Chacko/
Photograph by Thomas Chacko
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Image Number: 6785517

Sambar deer feeding on aquatic plants
Photograph by Aditya Singh
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Image Number: 6785549

Common Bush Brown Butterfly
Photograph by Jayant Deshpande
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Image Number: 6785579

Bull elephants
Photograph by Karan
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Image Number: 6785597

Cow and calf -rock mural at Mahabalipuram, Chennai
Photograph by Ranjan
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Image Number: 6785629

Springs fed by melting snows cut a gorge - the humble beginnings of Mandakini river seen on the trek to Kedarnath from Gaurikund, Uttaranchal - Shashi Sharma/
Photograph by Shashi Sharma
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Image Number: 6785673

The Rohtang Pass offers a pathway to man and animal for a brief three months a year, Susan Sharma
Photograph by Susan Sharma
See more photos from this photographer
Image Number: 6785753

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